Saturday, August 8, 2015


The Food Network seems to think so. And if the channel that brought you BAM, endless flows of EVOO and, well, Guy Fieiri, says it, it means something in this culinary world.

On its broadcast ode to the listicle, "Top 5 Restaurants," the network ranked Au Cheval's burger as the greatest since sliced buns, citing a "perfect burger-to-cheese ratio" on the restaurant's double -- which by now, everyone knows actually has three patties. Aside from that, the magical mix of pickles, Dijonnaise, and fried egg powered the beef pile to the top of the heap. Which, if you're a frequent reader of famed website, you'd have seen a similar description in its "33 Best Burgers in America" article, which does not rank the burgers in the definitive way the Food Network does. But to its credit, Thrillist's article has 28 more burgers in it, which is enough burgers to fill up an entire calendar of February with burgers. Except in Leap Years.
Think about it.
Au Cheval beat out, in order...
5. Mission Bowling Club
4. Sid's Diner
3. Pie 'n Burger
2. Brindle Room
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